There are many competitions throughout the year. Here, you will find an explanation of what each competition means, when it is held and how to qualify. Please note that this page is still under construction and updates will be added regularly!
For competition results and news, please have a look at our News page. Thank you.
Club Competitions
We usually run up to 4 club competitions per year. These are open to all members of the club with the dates for each announced up to 2 months in advance of the date.
If you would like to take part in our club competitions please speak with your coach who can decide with you which routine works best for you and will give you details about how the competition days run.
If you have club kit please feel free to wear this but you are welcome to wear any suitable trampolining kit that you have e.g. own leotard, t shirt, shorts or leggings and socks.
There are a number of set routines for these comps, which are detailed below. You will have the opportunity to train your choice of routine right up to the competition date and in your warm ups, prior to competing.
Competition Setup
We usually have 2 trampolines set up for warm ups but you will use just 1 trampoline to compete on.
You will need to do 2 routines over 2 separate turns, 1 which is set and 1 which is voluntary. Your set routine is the same one your coach has agreed with you from the list below. Your voluntary routine will be made up of any 10, different skills that you can perform, that fall within the tariff limit. If you don't have a voluntary routine you are welcome to perform your set routine twice.
Your turn
When it is your turn to compete you will be told by the marshall to get on the trampoline. You will be told when the judges are ready and that you can start when you are ready. You can smile and salute to the judges if you like and then perform your routine. Remember to stop at the end and stand still and straight for a count of 3 elephants then you can salute again, if you like and climb down from the trampoline.
Remember... Our club comps are friendly competitions for all the club to get together so we want everyone to smile, have fun, make new friends and forget about being nervous! Just do your best and enjoy the day. We look forward to seeing you all.
Level 1 Routine
1/2 Twist Jump
Seat Drop
1/2 twist to feet
Tuck Jump
Pike Jump
Full Twist Jump
Straight Bounce and stop
Level 2
opt 1 Routine
Front Drop
To feet
Straddle Jump
1/2 twist jump
Seat drop
1/2 twist to seat drop
1/2 twist to feet
Tuck Jump
Pike Jump
Full Twist Jump
Level 2
opt 1 Routine
Front Drop
To feet
Straddle Jump
1/2 twist jump
Seat drop
1/2 twist to seat drop
1/2 twist to feet
Tuck Jump
Pike Jump
Full Twist Jump
Level 2
opt 2 Routine
Full Twist Jump
Straddle Jump
Seat Drop
1/2 twist to seat drop
1/2 twist to feet
Pike Jump
Back Drop
1/2 Twist to feet
Tuck Jump
1/2 Twist Jump
Level 3 Routine
Full Twist Jump
Straddle Jump
Seat Drop
1/2 twist to seat drop
1/2 twist to feet
Pike Jump
Back Drop
1/2 Twist to feet
Tuck Jump
Front Somersault Tucked