What should my child wear for class?
Shorts and a well fitting t shirt are perfect kit for trampolining with a pair of strong, sport socks.
Competition trampolines can be tough on feet so your child may wish to wear a thick pair or 2 pairs possibly!
Children may wish to wear a leotard and shorts for training which is the kit of choice for a number of our competitors too.
For certain moves hands, elbows and knees will come into contact with the trampoline bed. Some athletes may wish to wear a long sleeved sweatshirt and/or jogging bottoms to protect them whilst learning new body landing skills.
Athletes are asked not to wear clothing with zippers and jewellery must be removed before the class.
What are your term dates?
The club year runs from September to September as this is when the majority of our British Gymnastics renewals are due. Our terms run throughout the year including most of the school and bank holidays.
If the Leisure Centre is open we will usually keep classes running as normal.
Our coaches will keep you informed of any changes to scheduled classes.
You are asked to keep the coach informed of any sessions that your child will not be able to attend.
Can we join a class after the term has started?
If you are invited to join a class you will be able to start part way through the term and the fees will be adjusted to reflect the number of sessions that you attend, in that month.
Can parents spectate?
Unfortunately we are not currently set up to enable spectators in the sports hall so we request that parents drop off their children and pick them up only.
You are welcome to speak to the coaches following a session if you have any queries or if you would like to offer support to the club.
How do I pay for classes?
You will be given access to Love Admin where you can update your member information and make payments online for each session attended that month. If it is not possible to pay online, we can accept cheques.
What is your ratio of athletes to coaches?
We like to maintain a ratio of 1 coach to a maximum of 10 athletes. This is to ensure that everyone receives safe supervision and the best level of coaching for their session.
Are your coaches qualified?
All of our sessions are run by a qualified coach, suited to the ability of the children or adults in each group. We do utilise the experience of any athletes who are training as coaches and they may help with the coaching of sessions, however this will always be under the supervision of the qualified coach.
Can my child take part in competitions?
We run regular club competitions and on some occasions our members are invited to take part in friendly invitational competitions hosted by local clubs.
If your child is invited to be part of the development squad they will be required to attend a number of competitions per year.
This is usually determined by their current ability and the competition dates throughout the year. These competitions often require travel around the country.